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  • silverelement66

Annotating your favorite quotes

I’ve recently become obsessed with a classic some of you might be well acquainted with, a la Paradise Lost. The tale of Satan’s fall from grace and the Great War of the angels in Heaven. There is a quote in this beautifully written novel that speaks to me... “The mind is its own place and in itself can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.“ John Milton-Paradise Lost.

For those of us burdened by traumas, heavy burdens, mental health ailments, or maybe your just having a really bad day? You can relate to this quote. Our minds are such powerful tools we don’t realize how fast they can turn on us and suddenly we feel terrible, and then BOOM, the light is back and we feel awesome again. A lot of the time we too fall from grace and find ourselves in our own versions of Hell. Good news? We can always find the light again...

Keep reading and writing comrades, and keep your chin up if your having a rough day, more quotes to come!

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